[Logo]   MakerSpace

I'm interested in finding or creating a MakerSpace (alternately referred to as a HackerSpace or ...) where I can do projects that I don't have space or tools for here. As I go about that, I've been collecting pointers to various relevant resources on the net.

At this point I only have this one page, but it's sure to grow, that's why I've made it a full topic. And like all of my other pages of pointers I always appreciate suggestions and additions.

Nearby Spaces

There are some MakerSpaces that I've found out about that are almost close enough to be useful, and might have useful resources.

Further away

There are a lot around the area where I used to live (Cambridge, Ma and generally the Greater Boston area). As I come across references for them, I'll add them here.

Maker Faires

There are some Maker Faires that operate in the area (sorted approximately by distance from me):

Making A MakerSpace

OK, so the last time I looked, there were lots of sort of useful resources about setting one up, which is what it's looking like I need to do. But, I didn't keep track of them at that time, so, as I start this page, I don't have them, but I know I'll find them again (probably) and so this space for listing them...

So here are some that I've found since...this list is unordered and incomplete, maybe I'll get a Round Tuit and clean this up (someday).

Ideas for a local MakerSpace


For my personal preferences, I'd prefer something more local (southern Vermont). I've been asking around about resources in the town of Whitingham (either in one of the villages, Jacksonville or Whitingham, or in the surrounding areas) and will expand soon to Wilmington and maybe Halifax. Unfortunately, I haven't yet, (as of 2016-03-08) gotten any useful information...


The business side of it is something I'm not really good at. So, if there's anyone local (or you know of anyone) who knows a bit about the business side of something like this (small, shoestring budget, not-for-profit, co-op [I think those are about the right key words]), please get in touch.

Other Maker resources

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And finally, a random note:
There are 10 kinds of people. Those who know binary and those who don't.