[Logo]   Snow Paws' page

thumbnail of me (I'm a cat) Snow Paws' page

I have several pictures of myself here. I like sitting on or in front of Mike's many spare monitors, or various other computer equipment around (he seems to have a lot of it). Some times, I just rest on the floor in the hall (this is the picture from which the thumbnail above was taken). I've even been known to stand up (taken in the same spot in the hall).

I haven't really gotten the hang of this computer thing, yet, and I have to use it when Mike isn't looking, so I don't have much here, yet. Mike is the human I keep around the house. He's pretty nice, except when he's paying too much attention to his computer and ignoring me, but he does get stuff online, you can go to his pages through the links below.

Off to Mike's pages

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Page generated 2025-03-09 at 21:32 GMT
Copyright © MMXXV Michael A. Patton

And finally, a random note:
Life is a Sexually Transmitted Disease, which is invariably fatal.