These are thumbnails of all the pictures in the gallery. The thumbnails here are pretty small. If you are not already familiar with the pictures, the thumbnails can give some idea of how much is in each day's shooting and a general idea of subject matter. If you are already familiar, you might be able to select from just these thumbnails.
Clicking on a date header will show a page with just the pictures on that date, but with larger thumbnails so that you may be able to actually figure out what the pictures show.
Clicking on a thumbnail image will load a page with a larger image of just that shot. From there you can access the full 3Mpixel image. The full images are each around 700K bytes. They will take several minutes to load over even the fastest dialup.
First snowfall of the season (very picturesque).
A view of the distant hills of Searsburg.
More views of the distant hills of Searsburg from inside the house.
Second big snowfall in a week.
Some shots of the house after all the snow.
A trek into the woods
Out in the snow
Snowpaws lounging
Snowpaws lounging about
I spend the day circumnavigating San Francisco on foot.
Looking out the windows during yet another snow storm
More winter views out the windows
Still snow left after 6 months
...and the final remnants
Snowpaws checks out the stream
Snowpaws adopts the bedspread set out to dry (cute pics of Snoop)
... and a week later she's still there
Snowpaws doing her "high steel" act on the partially dismantled deck
...but she goes back to sleeping
The old deck is off the house and the stone for the new wall has started arriving
Construction of the new stonework is about half done and the drive is a mess...
It's a real construction zone out there, but the wall is nearing completion
Stonework is done, now time for me to finish up and regrade
Bristol 4th of July parade and family gathering after.
My parents' 50th wedding anniversary
The world turns technicolor
On a walk in the woods Karin and Joshua pose in front of the cliffs
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Page generated 2025-02-09
at 21:21 GMT
Copyright © MMXXV
Michael A. Patton
And finally, a random note:
There are three kinds of people. Those who can count, and those who can't.