[Logo]   Mike Patton's photos: yearly overview

Photo Gallery

This list summarizes the files in the photo gallery by year. Under each year is a list of dates on which there are photos and how many there are. You can also get a page with thumbnails of all photos (which will take a long time to load).

Clicking on a year header will show a page with all the dates expanded with actual thumbnails (although quite small). Clicking on a date header will show a page with just the pictures on that date, but with larger thumbnails so that you may be able to actually figure out what the pictures show.


2002-10-23 (8 photos) First snowfall of the season (very picturesque).
2002-10-24 (1 photo) A view of the distant hills of Searsburg.
2002-11-07 (3 photos) More views of the distant hills of Searsburg from inside the house.


2003-01-04 (7 photos) Second big snowfall in a week.
2003-01-12 (2 photos) Some shots of the house after all the snow.
2003-02-08 (7 photos) A trek into the woods
2003-02-20 (1 photo) Out in the snow
2003-02-28 (1 photo) Snowpaws lounging
2003-03-07 (3 photos) Snowpaws lounging about
2003-03-24 (15 photos) I spend the day circumnavigating San Francisco on foot.
2003-03-30 (3 photos) Looking out the windows during yet another snow storm
2003-04-09 (5 photos) More winter views out the windows
2003-04-27 (5 photos) Still snow left after 6 months
2003-04-29 (2 photos) ...and the final remnants
2003-05-16 (1 photo) Snowpaws checks out the stream
2003-05-28 (5 photos) Snowpaws adopts the bedspread set out to dry (cute pics of Snoop)
2003-06-06 (2 photos) ... and a week later she's still there
2003-06-09 (3 photos) Snowpaws doing her "high steel" act on the partially dismantled deck
2003-06-13 (2 photos) ...but she goes back to sleeping
2003-06-19 (6 photos) The old deck is off the house and the stone for the new wall has started arriving
2003-06-25 (2 photos) Construction of the new stonework is about half done and the drive is a mess...
2003-06-26 (8 photos) It's a real construction zone out there, but the wall is nearing completion
2003-06-27 (11 photos) Stonework is done, now time for me to finish up and regrade
2003-07-04 (73 photos) Bristol 4th of July parade and family gathering after.
2003-10-03 (12 photos) My parents' 50th wedding anniversary
2003-10-09 (7 photos) The world turns technicolor
2003-10-26 (3 photos) On a walk in the woods Karin and Joshua pose in front of the cliffs

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Page generated 2024-10-22 at 21:59 GMT
Copyright © MMXXIV Michael A. Patton

And finally, a random note:
My imaginary friend tells me you have serious mental problems.