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Here's numbers 1-25 (of 312) of the people (authors, editors, etc.) in the DB (alphabetically by last name):

Name # credits 
Abernathy, Robert  1
Adams, Douglas  6
Aldiss, Brian  2
Aldiss, Brian W.  6
Allyn, Doug  4
Anderson, Poul  13
Anthony, Piers  13
Arkin, Alan  1
Arnason, Eleanor  1
Ashley, Paul  1
Asimov, Isaac  64
Asprin, Robert  3
Asprin, Robert Lynn  5
Auswaks, Alex  1
Bailey, Hilary  1
Banister, Manly  1
Bannister, Jo  1
Barnard, Robert  1
Barnes, Steven  1
Barrett, Neal, Jr.  1
Barrow, Leo L.  1
Barry, Dave  2
Bass, Milton  1
Bear, Gregg  1
Benford, Gregory  2
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Page generated 2025-02-09 at 21:45 GMT
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And finally, a random note:
There are 10 kinds of people. Those who know binary and those who don't.